Graduation Applications

Apply for Graduation

Petitioning for a Degree or Certificate – Forms should first be downloaded and saved to your device, filled with your information and signature, saved to your device, then attached to an email that is sent to for processing.

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Petition Submission Deadlines:

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     Note: Time frames are very important. If a petition is received in A & R outside of the time frames listed below; it will be processed in the next term.

Summer Term:
Please see Dates and Deadlines for the Summer Petition Deadline.

Fall Term:
Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT’s; AA-T/AS-T) submitted via e-verify to the CSU. Please see Dates and Deadlines for the Fall Petition Deadline.

Spring Term:
Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT’s; AA-T/AS-T) submitted via e-verify to the CSU. Please see Dates and Deadlines for the Spring Petition Deadline.

B.S. Degree in Biomanufacturing:
Petition and graduation evaluation forms must be completed and submitted to Admissions and Records by the petition deadline posted on the Dates and Deadlines for Spring Term.

Graduation Petitioning


Email us at if you have questions or problems.